International marathon
Awarding of winners and prize-winners of the competition will be held on 10 August 2024 at 18.00 at the address: Maximikha village, Baikal Park Hotel, 1 Opytnaya Street.

At a distance of 42.2 km men and women who took 1 - 6 place in the absolute championship, as well as men and women in the age categories 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years and older, who took 1 - 3 place in their age groups.
At the distance of 21.1 km men and women who took 1st - 6th place in the absolute championship, as well as men and women in the age categories 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-69, 70 years and older, who took 1st - 3rd place in their age groups.
At the distance of 10 km are awarded to men and women in absolute superiority, who took from 1 to 3 place, boys and girls under 18 years old (born in 2007-2008), under 20 years old (born in 2005-2006), persons with disabilities.
Finisher's medals are awarded to all participants who completed the distances of 42.2km, 21.1km, 10km, 3km, Ekiden relay race.
At the distance of 3 km children who took 1 - 3 places are awarded with diplomas and prizes, 4 - 6 places with diplomas, persons with disabilities who took 1 - 3 places with diplomas and prizes.
Participants of the relay race "Ekiden" are awarded with diplomas, cups and prizes from 1st to 3rd place. All participants of the relay team receive finishers' medals.
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